If you would like to request more information about our troop please go to americanheritagegirls.org and click on "Find a Troop", then click on our troop "MO2215-Grace Bible Church" and fill out the form. One of our leaders will contact you with a follow-up email or call. You can also inquire about our brother organization, Trail Life, if you have boys in your family.
Troop Email- ahgtroopmo2215@gmail.com
Troop Coordinator: Sarah Pedrazas
Vice Coordinator: Jenifer Gingerich
Treasurer: Hilary Dorr
Troop Shepard: Susan Renoe
Charter Representative: Mike Burt
Grace Bible Church
601 Blue Ridge Rd.
Columbia 65202
(573) 449-6794
Church office hours- M-Th 9:00am- 2:00pm